Wow, Monica and Chandler almost got married, Ross and Rachel are married, what can possibly happen next? So the married couple wake up the next morning and find out that they're Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gellar, Rachel hopes it can get anulled right away. Ross doesn't want to because he doen't want to go through another failed marriage, so he tells Rachel he got the marriage anulled even though he didn't. Chandler and Monica are glad they didn't get married, but decide to move in together. Joey's "hit" movie gets cancelled for sure. Ross is in denial about still having feelings for Rachel but they still get a divorce. (Ross' 3rd to be exact). Since Chandler moves in with Monica Joey finds a new roommate Janine, and Rachel moves in with Phoebe. Ross and Monica do "the routine" at the taping of a New Year's celebration on TV. Ross gets a job as a professor at NYU. Janine and Joey begin dating, then stop because Janine didn't get along with Monica and Chandler so she moves out of Joey's. (That's right friends come first!) Joey gets a job(not as an actor though). Ross dates Rachel's younger sister. Phoebe comes out in an "inappropriate movie", however finds out it is her twin sister using Phoebe's name. Ross dates one of his students, Elizabeth. Phoebe's apartment catches on fire. So she moves in with Joey and Rachel moves back into Monica's apartment. Joey gets a role as a science fiction hero and co-stars with a robot. Chandler buys an engagement ring for Monica!!! Ross breaks up with Elizabeth because he realized that she's too immature. Chandler takes Monica to a fancy restaurant where he plans on proposing, until Richard (Monica's ex boyfriend) walks in and joins them on their dinner. The next day Richard visits Monica at her restaurant to tell her he still loves her and wants to marry her. After that, Monica is confused about the situation and has to think things over. Finally one night Chandler comes home to an apartment filled with candles which is where they become engaged!!!
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