Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The One With the Red Sweater

The 2nd episode of the 8th season is when Phoebe, Monica, and Joey begin to give Rachel advice on how to tell the father of her child that she's pregnant!! Meanwhile, Monica is bummed out because she is now just someone's wife rather than a to make her feel better Chandler suggests to print the pictures they took with disposable cameras. BUT..Chandler can't find the cameras!! So he and Ross go back to the reception hall in search of the bag with all the cameras. Joey, Phoebe, and Monica are still guessing who the father can be, when Joey remembers seeing a man's sweater in Rachel's room. He gets the "red sweater" and mentions that a guy stayed the night with Rachel, so the sweater has to belong to the father of the baby!!! Chandler and Ross still can't find the cameras so they decide to go to somebody else's wedding and take pictures there as if it was their wedding. What genius' right??? Rachel walks in when Joey is holding the sweater and freaks out! Phoebe right away says she knows who the sweater belongs to, and rushes out to go get him. Chandler and Ross come back home to show Monica the pictures of "their" wedding when Monica shows Chandler the bag of cameras. Phoebe takes Rachel to meet with the "father". Rachel says she's ready to tell him the news which is when she sees Tag (her ex-boyfriend). Phoebe was wrong!! It isn't Tag. Phoebe goes back to tell Joey and Monica that she still doesn't know who it is and places the red sweater on a table! That's when Ross comes, in sees the red sweater and says "Hey here's my sweater, I've been looking for it for about a month!" :)

Isn't that shocking information? I just hate the fact that those 2 belong together but find every reason not to. Hopefully this will change their mind, let's wait to see how Ross is going to handle the news. I can already imagine! I'm sure we've always had friends who always belong together, but never do.

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